jeudi, février 01, 2007

Roland Halbritter

Theme : Famous pigs

5 commentaires:

Roland Halbritter a dit…

Sorry, do you have to pay any postal taxes for this forbidden format because the postman has written something on it.
Do you want to have more pigs? Let me know.


Nicole Eippers a dit…

Hi Roland,
No, I did not have to pay postal taxes.

And yes, it would be nice to receive more pigs.
Thanks a lot.

Today I send you "socks"....


Roland Halbritter a dit…

Hi Nicole,

thanks for sending socks - it will be posted rigth the day when it arrived - I will looking for more pigs in my old magazines. any special favour?

Nicole Eippers a dit…

Hello Roland,
I like all kind of pigs !!

See you

Roland Halbritter a dit…

Hi Nicole!
You are really sure? I thought first of sending you a fried pig and pieced to sausages - but know I found somehting nicer, I don't want to shock you at all, I will have to finish it today and send maybe tommorrow.Your pig mail art seems to be really popular, everday something new, wow ! I will keep on looking.
PS: thanks for your erotic dream socks which I post right the moment